The first pillar to great marketing is having a great product.

The first pillar to great marketing

The Muslim CEO Africa

 “Hello Malik, there is a new company in Gatundu giving tenders to people who can supply watermelons. I think it‟s a good venture. Let‟s do it, what do you think? Please reply as soon as you get my message.”

 Hussein returned his phone back to his pocket as soon as he clicked the send button. Hussein then started making plans of how he would travel from Garissa to Gatundu. After a whole year of job hunting with no good luck, he could not let this opportunity pass. Even if his long time comrade Malik was not in for it, he had already made a decision to try his luck at Gatundu.

 “Bro, I am in for this. What are we waiting for? Let‟s travel tonight. I am coming to your place right away.” Hussein smiled as he was reading his friend's text.

 Hussein and Malik arrived in Gatundu the next day and luckily got the tender. They worked hard and became known as the best suppliers of melons in that area. 

Time went by and they each started their own companies to supply melons in the whole region. However, Malik started being greedy in his business and started providing low-quality melons. He even started injecting chemicals into his melons so that they would grow quickly to satisfy the big demand. His watermelons started becoming less tasty and people began avoiding them. 

One by one, the customers left him until no one used to buy from him. The villagers then came to know that he used to inject toxic chemicals into his fruits and they almost killed him in mob justice. Luckily, he was rescued and he escaped to Garissa while devastated and bankrupt. 

On the other hand, Hussein kept on supplying good quality melons to other people and became the most preferred supplier. This made him even start satellite shops within and outside Gatundu to supply his watermelons. Later on, he started another company that was manufacturing watermelon juice in the country.”

 One of the factors involved in running a successful business is providing your customers with good products and services like Hussein did in the short story.

Good commodities are what will make customers get attracted to your business and also retain them. Bad commodities will do the opposite. Bring to the market what the customers want and this will make you more successful in that business. 

Oral marketing being the best form of marketing, the good products and services you offer to your customers will make them market your commodities to others. This will make you earn new customers to your business. In the long run, your business will become the talk of the town.


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